Gospel of Mark: Overcoming Unbelief (9:14-29)

Peter, James, and John were on their way down the mountain with Jesus after having experienced the transfiguration of Jesus, where Jesus was present with Moses and Elijah talking with God the Father. Can you imagine that scene? Jesus’ garments were transformed white, and the disciples actually hear God the Father talking to God the Son. Peter was so confused, yet eager, that he decided to erect some tents for the participants!

On their way down the mountain, they came up on the other disciples who had been attempting to cast an evil spirit out of a boy who had a history of violent seizures. They had apparently been successful at performing healings and exorcisms in the past, but for some reason they were unable to heal this boy. The interaction between Jesus and the boy’s father is fascinating. The man had obviously heard that Jesus could help his son, and in his desperation, he has brought the son to Jesus.

In verse 22, the man says to Jesus, “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Jesus, sensing the man’s unbelief says, “If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes.” Jesus, in that moment is connecting faith and belief in the kingdom of God. It seems that the level of belief is analogous to the power of God unleashed in a situation. Jesus proceeds to heal the boy after the father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (v 24).

The disciples were amazed and confused. They asked Jesus why they were not able to heal the boy. Jesus, then reveals the foundation of his ability to heal and perform other supernatural miracles — prayer: “This kind can only come out by prayer” (v 29).

God’s Power in Our Lives

Yesterday, we talked about three key learnings from this passage:

1.  It is not a question of God’s power to act, it is a question of our faith to believe it is possible.

Earlier in Mark, Jesus was in his own hometown of Nazareth. Recognizing the lack of faith in the town, Mark tells us that Jesus was unable to do effective ministry there — only able to lay hands on a few people and heal them! God is able to act, and there is nothing he cannot do. The variable is our level of faith. How are you limiting God’s power in your life and relationships today through unbelief?

2. A person who believes will set no limits on what God can do.

Conversely, the person who believes will unleash the power of God in a situation. Faith is powerful and necessary. Faith is required for salvation. Scripture tells us we are saved by God’s grace through faith. Your eternal trajectory is changed through faith, and the eternal trajectory of your friend or family member you are praying for will also be changed through faith. Also, scripture says that we please God through our faith. “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Finally, the result of faith in our lives is an expression of good works (James 2:20). God will accomplish his purposes through the faith of his people, and friends, I believe we have not seen anything yet!

3. Faith which activates God’s power is cultivated through prayer.

Prayer was needed to heal this boy of the deaf and dumb spirit, and prayer is needed to cultivate the faith needed for God to accomplish his purposes in our world. Is God a cosmic vending machine, dispensing answered prayers in exchange for a certain prayer? No! Absolutely not. I’ve heard it said that prayer may or may not change a situation, but prayer always changes you. It is in prayer that our spirit connects with the very Spirit of God, and we are changed. In that transformation, we not only begin to understand what God desires to do, but we begin to pray for the things that God desires to do. That is the power of prayer. Also, it is in prayer, and because our will moves into alignment with God’s will, that the language of faith is cultivated.

The Language of Faith

I have been in prayer for Resurrection Life NYC consistently since January 1. God has been faithful to our church over the past seven years, and I believe the best is yet to come. I believe that God desires to reach more people for Christ in NYC through the witness of those who call ResLifeNYC their home church. I believe God desires to alleviate suffering and to bring justice through the work of his people in the city. And I believe that God is calling us to start more churches in order to reach more people and do the work of mercy and justice in our city. God desires MORE for Resurrection Life NYC, and I am excited to be a part of it.

So, I attempted to put language to my faith yesterday. Here it goes:

  1. I believe God desires to add 50 people to our church over this next season. I believe many will be coming to know Jesus for the first time, but others will join the mission of helping people follow Jesus in our city.

  2. I believe God is asking us to become more confident in reaching people around us for Jesus. To start this, I challenge all of us to make a list of 5 individuals you believe God is asking you to reach with the good news. Then, begin to pray for them by name every day.

God is just getting started in New York City! Let’s begin in prayer and then be bold and active in our faith to share the good news of Jesus in both word and deed to those around us.



Gospel of Mark: Who Do You Follow (Ch. 10)


Gospel of Mark: Who Do You Say I Am? (8:23-38)