Gospel of Mark: Who Do You Follow (Ch. 10)

This week Pastor Jenn unpacked a conversation in Mark 10 between Jesus and a man known often as the “Rich Young Ruler.” This young man came to Jesus and asked the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus replied, “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

In essence, Jesus tells this successful young man that it isn’t about what you do, it’s about who you follow. For all of this man’s accumulation and accomplishments, he was missing what was most important: a relationship with Jesus.

The point of this passage isn’t just about money and stuff. The point is that when we choose to follow Jesus, we must also choose to surrender whatever is ultimate in our lives—whatever is actually sneaking into our hearts and becoming an idol, whether it’s money, our job, reputation, or even relationships. There are three questions to reflect upon this week:

1) Is there anything in your life Jesus is calling you to give up in order to follow him?

2) Is there anything in your life you need to give away to utilize for the kingdom of God?

3) If Jesus were you, how would he spend your money?

One verse that stands out in this passage is Mark 10:21: “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” Jesus loved this rich young ruler and empathized with him. Jesus, too, was a rich young ruler, far richer than this young man could ever comprehend. Yet he left unimaginable glory and wealth behind, choosing a life on earth of simplicity and poverty, giving up everything for us out of his incomprehensible love for us. He gave up heaven for earth, so now he is asking us to give up earth for heaven. Once we realize this, we realize that following Jesus changes everything, including how we steward our money and our lives.

It isn’t about what you do, it’s about who you follow. Out of this, may we live lives of radical generosity—because Jesus is worth it.


Gospel of Mark: Praying for Our Government (Mark 12)


Gospel of Mark: Overcoming Unbelief (9:14-29)