ResLife Kid’s Ministry
Welcome to ResLife Kids! We exists to teach our kids how to follow Jesus…because following Jesus changes everything!
Our Kids Ministry leaders are ready to help make your Sunday morning a great experience. We currently offer kids groups for elementary age kids, and we offer a space for parents of the younger ones to take their kids. To help our kids learn to worship as a family, worshipers of all ages start in the adult worship space, then during the adult teaching the kids go to their own space with our great volunteers to learn a special lesson just for them. Then the kids teach the adults what they learned at the end of our worship service.
We take children’s discipleship seriously. Your elementary aged kids will meet in a small group with our amazing kids ministry volunteers. They will learn a big idea for the day and then share it with the entire church at the end of the service.
We are working on providing this environment as we grow, but for now we offer a space for parents of the littlest ones to take their younger kids during the service. Of course, kids are always welcome in the worship service!
We are always looking for voluteers who are passionate about discipling our kids. If that is you, please connect with Liz, our kids director at lizkelsay638@gmail.com.