Our Values
Radical Love
We welcome everyone and provide a safe place to explore faith. We encourage questions; we all have them. We find beauty and unity in our diversity, and long to see people's lives transformed by the love of Christ.
Authentic Family
We believe God sets the lonely in families (Psalms 68:6). We gather regularly as the entire church family and in Life Groups, celebrating life together and seeing people transformed daily. We are a church that values growth - people, not things - developing authentic, multiplying followers of Jesus. We encourage anyone, at any age, to take steps closer to Jesus. We encourage generosity, seeking unity with other churches in NYC and around the world.
Optimistic Grace
We believe that God desires to actually transform us in this time and place. Our prayer is that God's will would be done in New York City as it is in heaven. We believe God wants to heal both our spiritual and physical disease, bringing glory to himself. This transformation extends to the renewal of neighborhoods and cities, allowing us to celebrate the beauty and fun in culture and life.
Courageous Mission
We show God's love to NYC and the world through acts of compassion and justice. We help people integrate their faith with their work for cultural renewal and encourage people to be missionaries everywhere. We explore together what it means to live out the good news of Jesus in the neighborhoods of a great global city. We reproduce who we are through new churches in NYC and around the world.