Our Story
Following Jesus changes everything.
At Resurrection Life NYC, we believe in the transforming power of the gospel.
We believe that when we truly get to know who Jesus is, what He’s done for us, how much God loves us, and how the Holy Spirit empowers us, we can’t help but be changed. We can’t help but live differently.
Following Jesus changes our marriages, our friendships, our families, how we handle our finances, how we treat our coworkers, how we serve the poor and the marginalized, how we listen, and even how we see our ourselves and our city.
Following Jesus changes our lives. Right here. Right now. And for eternity.
Resurrection Life NYC is a church that believes in the authority of the Christian Scriptures for our life and practice. We hold to the essential orthodox Christian beliefs as best expressed in the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.
Pastors Branden & Jenn
Branden and Jenn Petersen, along with their two children Aidan and Emma, moved to New York City in August of 2015, from Dallas, TX. After having served as pastors at a church in the Dallas area for 17 years, they sensed God calling them to plant a new church, Resurrection Life NYC, in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan.
Branden and Jenn, both musicians, are passionate about seeing artists, professionals and families flourish in the city. This includes leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus, connecting them in community with one another, and serving the poor and marginalized. Their family mission statement is to "live, love and lead like Jesus."
Branden holds an MBA from Oklahoma Wesleyan University, a Master of Practical Theology from Wesley Seminary, and is finishing a Doctor of Ministry degree in Church Planting at Asbury Theological Seminary. Jenn holds a Master of Divinity from Wesley Seminary. Aidan and Emma both attend Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA.