Gospel of Mark: Who Do You Say I Am? (8:23-38)

Gospel of Mark: Who Do You Say I Am?

Mark 8:22-38

This week, Pastor Jenn continued in our series in the Gospel of Mark looking at the central passage of Mark 8, where Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” Imagine asking people on the streets of New York (or wherever you live), “Who do you think Jesus is?” You would likely get a plethora of responses: a good teacher, a nice guy, a feminist, a Democrat or Republican. Similarly, the disciples responded, “Some say you’re John the Baptist, others Elijah, others one of the prophets.”

Jesus then pointedly asks them, “But who do you say that I am?” This is a question with which we all must wrestle at some point in our lives. Who do you say that Jesus is? Is he just a good teacher with some helpful lessons that show us how to live better lives? Or is he something more? Peter’s response was telling: “You are the Messiah.” While Peter didn’t fully understand all of the implications of what it meant that Jesus was indeed the Messiah they were waiting for, nonetheless, he understood in that moment that Jesus is THE King—but a different kind of King than they were expecting. Jesus had come to usher in a new kind of kingdom—a kingdom that will never end, one that is marked by abundant life, unconditional love, everlasting peace, grace, truth, righteousness, justice, and holiness. While we don’t see the full picture of this kingdom yet, we get glimpses as we continue to fix our eyes on Jesus and follow him daily.

How do we make sure that our view of Jesus is accurate? First, we need to recognize our own blindness. Second, we read the Gospels regularly in order to really get to know who Jesus is. Third, we must accept Jesus’ invitation to come and die—to follow him by taking up our cross, dying to sin and selfishness, and laying down our lives in order to follow Jesus in his ways. And the good news is that because of Jesus, we have access to resurrection life, right here and now and for eternity!

If Jesus asked you, “Who do you say I am?” today, how would you respond? Here are some of the responses from Sunday:

      • My one and only

      • Faithful Friend

      • Perfect, loving Father

      • My Savior!

      • Son of God

      • Wonderful Counselor

      • A friend in dark times

      • My Redeemer and Friend

      • Jesus is my friend who guides me through the best parts, worst parts, and mundane parts of life

      • Healer

      • Jesus is my hope and wisdom

      • Love

      • Peace

      • Hope

      • Reason

      • Forgiver and Redeemer

      • Peacemaker

      • Listener

      • Full of unconditional love

      • My family and my healer

How about you? Who do you say that Jesus is?


Gospel of Mark: Overcoming Unbelief (9:14-29)


Gospel of Mark: A Matter of Heart (7:1-23)