Gospel of Mark: The Beginning (1:1-15)

There is something about the beginning of a new year that causes us to both look back and evaluate where we have been and then look forward to the future. We do this personally, but we can also do this as a church in New York City. We say at Resurrection Life NYC, “Following Jesus Changes Everything,” yet we live in one of the most difficult cities to follow Jesus. As we have started the year, I have been asking, “What does it really mean to follow Jesus in NYC in 2024?” Of course, as Christians, we go back to scripture as our guide.

Scholars believe the Gospel of Mark was the first gospel account written about Jesus in the 60s AD. It is a strange book in many ways. It is short, to the point, contains very little of Jesus’ actual teachings, yet it is considered both a literary masterpiece and a primary text concerning how we should follow Jesus.

Yesterday we cracked the book open and just spent time considering the first verse in light of the monumental arrival of God on earth in the person of Jesus. “The beginning of the good news of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.” This is the way Mark’s gospel starts, and in that verse is contained new creation, the deliverance of God’s people, as well as kingdom revolution. The arrival of Jesus changes everything, and it is the ultimate “good news” or gospel for all of us.

As we start this new year, will you go on a journey with us through the Gospel of Mark? In it, we will be challenged to follow Jesus as his disciples in deeper ways. To start, sit down and read through the book in one sitting. It will take you 15-20 minutes, and you will get a sense for pacing and content of the the gospel. The Gospel of Mark is perhaps my favorite book in the Bible, and I am looking forward to how the Holy Spirit will shape both our church and our individual lives as we learn how to follow him in 2024…because following Jesus changes everything!


Gospel of Mark: Follow (1:16-20)


Advent: Fear Not (Luke 2:8-11)