Advent: Fear Not (Luke 2:8-11)

We all deal with fears in life, but perhaps one of the greatest unspoken fears for many people is the fear of where they stand with God. Am I good enough? Have I lived a good enough life? Did I choose the right religion? Is this life all there is, or am I living for something beyond this life?

Some believe that the key to this life is to be good, nice, and fair to one another and that this will somehow earn them heaven. Others believe that there is either no God or that we can make sense of life without God. This life is all there is, they believe, therefore determine what is good and true for you, and live the best life you can.

Christianity, though, tells a different story of how we can know where we stand with God. It begins with the Angel from heaven sharing good news with some ordinary, lowly, often hated shepherds in a field outside Bethlehem. In an incredible, unexpected way, God chooses to reveal the birth of Jesus to a group of shepherds who would be outcasts in society. Why didn’t the angel bring this news to royalty or those of the important religious class? Because God was making it clear that the good news of a savior born that day in Bethlehem was a message of good news for everyone — no matter your education, profession, social class, religious background, wealth, or lack of wealth.

Why? Because the gospel (good news) of Jesus born that day in Bethlehem is for everyone. How can this be? Jesus’ salvation is for everyone because salvation through Jesus is not up to you. Tim Keller said, “The founders of every major religion said, ‘I’ll show you how to find God.’ Jesus said, ‘I am God who has come to find you.’” Because Jesus came for you, no one is too far from God’s reach. No one is too low for God’s love, and no sin is great for God’s grace.

Salvation is not about how we can earn favor with God — no one can do that. Salvation is about what Jesus has done for you, and you can have this gift of salvation by placing your faith in Jesus Christ. Have you done this? If not, today you can accept the greatest gift ever given. Scripture says that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. This includes you!


Gospel of Mark: The Beginning (1:1-15)


Advent: Fear Not (Matthew 1:18-25)