Practicing The Way: Formation Part 2

    If you know anything about rip currents, you know that what you CANNOT DO is trust your natural instinct. Everything within you says that you need to paddle straight to shore.  But the rip tide is stronger than you are. Instead of going where you THINK you should go (towards shore), what you need to do is go sideways to break free from the current. 

Here’s the KEY: When you’re fighting against a rip tide, you need to do the opposite of what feels right. When a current is fighting against you, sometimes what you need is not more strength. What you need is a better strategy

Don’t you know there is a rip tide in this world? There is a current that is pushing you away from God. It’s trying to push you towards being more like the world around you 

And maybe what you need is not more strength. What you need is a better strategy.

  That’s what this teaching series is about: strategies for “Practicing the Way” to become like Jesus. But what does it even mean to be like Jesus

Stay tuned for more!


Practicing The Way: Spiritual Disciplines


Practicing The Way: Formation Part 1