Practicing The Way: Formation Part 1

Who am I becoming?

Am I being intentional about who I am becoming?

Spiritual formation isn’t a Christian thing or a religious thing—it’s a human thing. This week we looked at Romans 12:2, where Paul writes, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The root word for both conform and transform is the same as where we get the word metamorphosis. Again, we are all being formed, and much of our spiritual formation happens unintentionally.

Our goal this week is simply to become aware of and intentional with our spiritual formation. One way we can do this is by reflecting on the following Formation Audit. Set aside an hour this week to walk through this, prayerfully and non-judgmentally asking God to reveal to you anything that is forming you.


Practicing The Way: Formation Part 2


Practicing The Way: Following Jesus