Gospel of Mark: In the Storm (4:35-41)

Yesterday Pastor Jenn continued our series in the Gospel of Mark by looking at Mark 4:35-41, when Jesus calmed the storm. We all know that storms in life will come. It’s easy to let fear swallow up our faith when we’re faced with storms raging all around us. If following Jesus changes everything, does it really change how we face these inevitable storms?

This portion of Mark reminds us of who God is. First, Jesus, is not just a great teacher, he is God. He has power over the sea and the storms, which means he has power over evil forces in the world. You can call out to him—you can trust him.

Second, Jesus is with you in the storm. You’re not alone. No matter what kind of storm you are facing, Jesus is right beside you. You can call out to him. Like the disciples, we have a tendency to panic, worry, and doubt God’s love and goodness when our world seems to be spiraling out of control. What would it look like for you to trust God in the midst of the storm?

Finally, Jesus knows how to face the storm and bring you through it, because he’s done it. This passage foreshadows Jesus’ journey to the cross, where he faced the ultimate storm of sin and death. He carried the weight of evil on his shoulders and on behalf of us all declared, “Peace! Be still!” When you’re following Jesus and the storm comes, you can know that even when the worst thing that can happen happens, there is resurrection on the other side for all who believe and put their faith in him.

This week as you spend time with God, imagine him declaring, “Peace! Be still!” over the storms raging in your life. You can trust him: he’s God, he’s with you, and he knows how to bring you through it.


Gospel of Mark: Miracle (5:21-35)


Gospel of Mark: Desire (2:1-12)