Come, Lord Jesus

Come, Lord Jesus

This week we finished our series on the book of Revelation by looking at chapters 21-22. These two chapters are a beautiful and fitting conclusion not only to the book of Revelation, but to the entire Bible and story of God and humanity. We see the culmination of the constant theme and God’s promise through all of scripture: “I will be your God, and you will be my people.” The incarnation of God in Jesus is permanently reprised in all fullness, as God and the Lamb dwell with humanity forever.

Or in the words of Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings, everything sad becomes untrue.

While some still remains a mystery, there are many things we know that will be true when Jesus returns to usher in the new heaven and new earth:

1. Everything will be all right in the end.

Full stop. In the new creation, everything will be renewed and restored. The curse will be reversed, and we will finally see God, God’s creation—and humanity—as God originally intended it to be! Hallelujah!

2. There will be renewal of the material world.

The material world will not be destroyed and replaced, but rather transformed and restored. As N.T. Wright describes, the new creation is the final answer to the Lord’s prayer, “Thy kingdom come.” All things, even the earth, will be made new!

3. Paradise is a garden-city.

New creation will be filled with people! Why? Because God loves people! Not only will it be filled with people, but humanity will healed and whole. A culture of death will be replaced with a culture of life.

4. God is present with his people.

“I will be your God and you will be my people.” We will finally be with God face to face, in his presence forever. There will be no more boundary between God’s home and ours. We will experience God’s divine presence in all its fullness and glory.

5. All evil is gone.

Can you imagine? There will be no more death, no more tears, mourning or crying, no war, no greed, no selfishness, no more evil things or people. Everything that prevents human flourishing in community before God will be removed, and everything that permits that flourishing will be present. 

6. There will be reconciliation with God and with people.

Not only does Revelation 21-22 promise us individual hope, but it also promises hope for reconciliation among all people. There will be both vertical reconciliation (between us and God) and horizontal reconciliation (between us and others).

7. Because of Jesus, we can live as faithful followers.

By God’s grace, we can live lives of worship, mission, prophecy, and hope, remaining faithful to Jesus, who is the Faithful One.

8. Jesus is Lord.

Jesus is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Lamb who was slain and now reigns forever! He is the Alpha and Omega, and the one who says, “I am coming soon.” Everything centers on Jesus!

Jesus not only promises to come and make all things new, but he also promises the gift of life to you. Jesus is inviting you into a relationship with him, to follow the way of the Lamb, now and into the new creation. He is inviting you to be a faithful witness, whose life points to the hope of the coming Kingdom of God, where there will be life everlasting. Have you said yes to this invitation? Do you know this kind of resurrection life?

Friends, our hope in Jesus is real. Following Jesus changes everything. Now and for eternity.

Come, Lord Jesus!


Following Jesus Changes Everything


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