Anniversary Sunday: “The Promise and the Power”

Have you ever experienced performance anxiety, or stage-fright? This fear is typically billed as the fear of public speaking but it happens to musicians, athletes, teachers, and can even happen to us as Christians. Have you ever been asked about your faith and felt everything within you tense up? You find yourself not sure what to say.

I my life, this usually happens as the result of imposter syndrome. Even when I have been asked to preach, teach, lead worship for a particular event, I often feel as if they could have asked nearly anyone but me. I have also had experiences when I have been asked, “What are you doing here in the city?” In that moment, I can take the conversation in several directions — often the most difficult is to tell them that we are here starting and leading a church. Stage fright!

Before Jesus’ death, he was talking with his disciples in John 14 describing how things would be without him on earth. He says to his disciples that for all who believe (or have faith) that they would do the very works that Jesus has done (John 14:12), and that they will actually do greater works than Jesus (v13)! Bringing this conversation into the present day, actually Jesus is saying to all of us who follow Jesus, “You will do even greater works that I did!” That seems both amazing and perplexing.

You see, I know myself, and I know for a fact that I am not Jesus, and that I have no ability to do works anywhere on par with Jesus. So, how is this possible. Well, Jesus continues to teach his disciples, revealing that he will actually send an advocate, or the Holy Spirit to be with us and to dwell within us. Luke tells us in Acts 1:8 that Jesus told his disciples that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Jesus also says that this power will help them to be witnesses of the gospel throughout the world.

I still get stage fright. In fact, I get nervous every time I get up to speak in front of a group, no matter how small or large. I desire for my faith to be stronger than my fear, though. I know I have been called by Jesus. I know my identity is now firmly rooted in Jesus. And I am confident that I can do even greater things than Jesus because of the Holy Spirit working in and through me.

Yesterday, we celebrated 7 years of ministry as Resurrection Life NYC. I spoke about the power available and challenged all of us to begin to live with a different level of expectation with what God desires to do through Resurrection Life NYC.

You can listen to the sermon here…



Come Holy Spirit: “The Person of the Holy Spirit” (John 14)


Easter Sunday: Mark 16